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Topics - Zilka

Pages: [1]
FORUM / Nema vise freshmana na nekim univerzitetima u Americi
« on: December 11, 2012, 09:51:48 pm »
Na Univerzitetu North Carolina u Americi su usvojili odredjene izmjene u korist rodno osjetljivog jezika, pa su tako termin ''freshman'' zamijenili drugim terminom ''first year student'' (student prve godine studija), a kod nas imamo termin ''brucos'' i ''brucoskinja'', samo sto se ovaj zenki oblik se vrlo malo koristi.
Student ili studentica prve godine studije je vise u upotrebi, samo sto jos uvijek vecina mladih koristi termin u muskom rodu i kaze: Ja sam student.

Pogledajte vise o tome u ovoj informaciji:

UNC drops term ‘freshman’ in favor of ‘gender inclusive language’

The University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill has removed the word “freshman” from official university documents, citing as their reason an attempt to adopt more “gender inclusive language.”
We are “committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community,” reads a statement administrators sent to Campus Reform on Monday.

“Consistent with that commitment, gender inclusive terms (chair; first year student; upper-level student, etc.) should be used on University Documents, websites and policies,” it continues.

A spokesperson for UNC declined to further elaborate on the university’s reasoning for implementing the language change.

Some students, however, expressed discontent over the change in policy.

Brandon Hartness, Executive Vice Chair for the school’s college Republicans chapter, told Campus Reform he feels the university is allowing political correctness to drive their decisions.

“I feel like they are making a big deal out of nothing,” said Hartness. “Girls are not going to deem the word [freshman] as sexist.”

“I feel like most people don’t even think about it,” he added.

Karen Moon, Director of UNC News Services, did note that the policy change occurred in 2009. It has recently garnered attention after the libertarian news personality, John Stossel, highlighted it in his show earlier this month.

FORUM / Dvodnevni Trening o liderstvu u Livnu i Bijeljini
« on: November 22, 2012, 03:15:14 pm »
TPO Fondacija u Saradnji sa Li-Woman i Lara Bijeljina organizira dvodnevne treninge na temu Jacanje liderskih vjestina u radu u lokalnoj zajednci za 40 mladih politicara/ki i aktivista/kinja u ove dvije lokalne zajednice

Trening u Livnu se odrzava 01 i 02. decembra 2012 godine, kontakt osoba Jasminka Borkovic

Trening u Bijeljini se odrzava 04 i 05. decembra 2012 godine, kontakt osoba, Radmila Zigic

Trening ce voditi Emina Abrahamsdotter.

FORUM / Najava 16 dana Aktivizma 2012
« on: November 07, 2012, 02:35:58 am »
25.11.2012 pocinje velika svjetska Kampanja 16 dana aktivizma protiv nasilja nad zenama. Tim povodom veliki broj zenskih NVO-a u BiH ce se pridruziti ovoj akciji i prijaviti svoje aktivnosti za svjetski kalendar aktivnosti koji ce i ove godine koordinirati Udruzene zene Banja Luka.
TPO Fondacija cu u saradnji sa partnerskim organizacijama odrzati nekoliko aktivnosti:
1. Politicku akademiju za mlade lidere i liderice u BiH (Perpetuum Mobile Banja Luka i TPO)
2. Publicirati Prirucnika za liderstvo u lokalnim zajednicama (TPO)
3. Odrzati dvodnevne treninge za mlade lidere u Bijeljini i Livnu (Lara Bijeljina, Li-Woman i TPO)
4. Podrzati cetiri mlada liderice u lokalnim zajednicama u implentiranju akcija za promociju liderstva u lokalanoj zajednici

Pridruzite nam se.

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