Nov 2021


The third workshop at the University of Novi Sad was held by doc. Dr. Karolina Lendak-Kabok 11/19/2021 year, entitled Gender aspect in research. The lecture was intended for students who are not yet familiar with the issues of gender differences in research and science. The same consisted of three parts: the introduction of the concept of gender, intersectionality as a theory and method of research, and the importance of gender in research. In the first part, students were introduced to different definitions of gender, with an emphasis on the definition of gender of the European Commission. In the second part, they were introduced to the concept of intersectionality and the significance of this theory in gender studies and research.

The third part presents gender in the research, and the importance of including the concept of gender as an analytical category. In addition, the emphasis was on how gender can help advance our scientific knowledge. The topic of gender in the research also introduced the concept of gender bias, and the concept of structural change in institutions when it comes to achieving gender equality was explained.

The lecture was designed to provide introductory and basic knowledge about gender issues in research and to develop interest in including gender as an analytical category so that gender in research gets a place in innovation, new products and contributes to research results relevant to different groups in society.