The book The Price of Impure Blood: Cultural and Economic Aspects of Menstruation in Bosnia and Herzegovina provides a comprehensive analysis of one of the most significant yet often overlooked issues faced by women and girls worldwide. The research was conducted in 28 cities across Bosnia and Herzegovina through a survey involving over 2,000 women and interviews with 73 women. Through an examination of social norms, economic challenges, and health implications, the book uncovers deeply rooted stigmas, gender inequalities, and structural barriers that hinder women from managing menstruation with dignity. The goal of the book is to raise awareness of this complex issue, create space for discussion, and explore solutions that would enable economically, health-wise, and socially fairer conditions for women and girls.

Anthology Gender and Art

After the Winter School held at the University of Tuzla in 2024 within the framework of the UNIGEM project, students, under the mentorship of selected professors, prepared final academic and artistic works which have been collected in the Anthology Gender and Art. The Anthology was edited by Jasmina Husanović, Anisa Avdagić, Selma Veseljević Jerković, and Maja Dedić. The works intervene in the critical production of knowledge about artistic practices and works from the perspective of gender theories, in an interdisciplinary and intersectional approach. The papers present interesting interdisciplinary approaches to the themes of gender and art, offering diverse voices and perspectives from young people in the Balkan region. The uniqueness of the anthology lies in the connection between academic debates and practical work, addressing issues of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence, while providing space for alternative readings and interpretations of art and gender equality.


The TPO Foundation, within the framework of the project "Local Communities for Social Cohesion" (LOC4SOC), with the support of the International Organization for Migration, conducted research on the attitude of adolescents towards minorities, especially migrants. The goal of the research was to examine the presence of stereotypes and prejudices and to determine what is needed to achieve social cohesion of minorities. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase, the initial (baseline) research, mapped the attitudes of adolescents from primary schools towards minorities, in order to determine if and what kind of stereotypes they have and how much they know and accept others and others. After that, educational, cultural and sports activities were carried out with the aim of sensitizing adolescents, teaching and professional staff for intercultural competences. At the end of these activities, the research was repeated in order to determine whether there was a change in the attitudes of adolescents and their readiness to accept people from other cultures. The entire publication is available at the link.


In the period from January to August 2024, the TPO Foundation implemented the Local Communities for Social Cohesion project with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The goal of this project is to build stronger and more connected local communities through the education of teaching staff and youth from elementary schools, the promotion of tolerance and inclusiveness, and the encouragement of active participation of all community members. Through this project, the TPO Foundation strives to create the foundations for lasting peace and mutual understanding in society. Eighth-grade students and teaching staff from four elementary schools in Hadžići Municipality (four selected experimental classes) as well as children from the Ušivak Temporary Reception Center participated in the project activities. The entire publication is available at the link. One of the activities was a comic book making workshop, where students and minors from Center Ušivak designed comics on the following topics: discrimination, peer violence, modesty and empathy. This publication aims to bring the teaching staff closer to the usefulness of applying the comics method in teaching. The advantages of using comics as a teaching method are explained and examples of how to integrate comics as a method in different subjects are given. The entire publication is available at the link.


The book has been published in Bosnian to serve as a resource for FER (Feminism and Religion) as well as for a broader readership. The author presents thirteen essays and, through the lens of a progressive Muslim worldview, demonstrates that Islam encourages critical thinking, social justice, and engagement with the world. By embracing this perspective, Muslims can positively contribute to the global community, fostering understanding, harmony, and progress. The progressive Muslim worldview serves as evidence of the resilience and adaptability of Islam, allowing it to continue as a vibrant and dynamic faith that is inclusive of different cultures and responsive to the evolving needs of humanity.

Gender and Violence in the Balkans

This collection that you are reading entitled „Gender and Violence in the Balkans“, represents a comprehensive analysis of gender-based violence and the wider influence of gender issues in Balkan society. The volume is the result of the work and thought of participants of the Winter School “Gender and Violence”. Their papers have been developed with the mentoring support of their professors. This volume not only documents the key insights that formed the program of the Winter School, but it also encapsulates the discussions that took place as a result of it. The volume also deepens our understanding of complex connections between gender, gender identities and different forms of violence reproduced and tolerated by society. Through different approaches and perspectives, the authors explore how gender manifests itself in different spheres of social life – from public spheres like those of law and politics, to education, science, culture and art, as well as deeply personal and intimate aspects of human lives. The papers in this volume aim to shed light on the ways in which gender, as a construct, influences different aspects of life and how, violence, especially targeted at women, shapes the social, political and cultural reality of the region.


The proceedings titled Gender justice discourses: Analysis of legal frameworks and judicial practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia is a result of a two-year research effort, done as part of the University and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM) Project, implemented by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo in cooperation with nineteen partner universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. At the beginning of this research, all members of the academic community – including professors, students of doctoral studies, as well as scientists from the fields of humanities, social sciences and especially legal sciences, as well as all activists who are in their work engaged in fighting against gender-based violence – were invited to contribute by analysing from a critical scientific perspective the criminal judgments passed in cases of gender-based violence, with a focus on sexual violence, family violence and femicide. The research that resulted in the mentioned Proceedings was initiated to better understand and address the deep-rooted gender stereotypes that often shape judicial decisions. Authors from various scientific perspectives, as well as from expert (professional) ones, contributed to the research with their works analysing the criminal justice processing of gender-based violence cases, offering critical insights and recommendations for the improvement of public policies, the legal-institutional framework and judicial practices.


As part of the MENGA project, the TPO Foundation published a publication entitled "How much does it cost and how much does it hurt?" Social decoding of menstruation at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina". The authors of the publication have worked hard on research in the past period, and on 58 pages you can find interesting information about menstrual poverty in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This research is structured in four chapters: Introduction, Sociocultural Aspects of Menstruation: Encoding and Internalizing Stigma and Shame, Economic Aspects of Menstrual Poverty, and Policy Recommendations. The survey was conducted on a sample of 699 female students and 127 female teachers. The largest number of female students who responded to the survey came from the University of Sarajevo and the University of Tuzla. In the qualitative phase of the research using semi-structured interviews, a total of 42 respondents were interviewed, namely 22 female teachers and 20 female students from public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The publication was issued with the financial support of CPCD, AUS DEV, SIDA, within the MENGA project, and with the financial support of the British Embassy of Sarajevo, within the UNIGEM project.

The collection of final papers "Gender and Globalization in the Balkans"

The collection of final papers "Gender and Globalization in the Balkans" is one of the results of the regional Winter School "Gender and Globalization", which was held in the period from February 20 to 26, 2023 in Sarajevo, organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo and TPO Foundation. The participants of the Winter School "Gender and Globalization" were students of social faculties from 19 partner universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia participating in the UNIGEM project led by the TPO Foundation. After the Winter School, male and female students had the opportunity to write research papers on selected topics, with the mentorship of professors from partner universities. In this way, additional networking of the teaching staff and the student community was made possible through a joint academic project of preparation of the Collection of Final Papers entitled "Gender and Globalization in the Balkans." The anthology presents a collection of 12 selected student works organized in the following four thematic units: gender and globalization, gender and society, gender and migration, and gender and politics. This activity was realized as part of the UNIGEM project, which is financially supported by the Government of the United Kingdom.

P4C PHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN: Manual for the implementation of philosophy for children (P4C methods) through engagment classes in elementary school
EDITOR: Elmana Cerić

The TPO Foundation published a publication entitled "Manual for the implementation of Philosophy for Children (P4C methods) through engagment classes in elementary school". The publication is the result of the teamwork of a group of enthusiastic classroom teachers from Sarajevo Canton and P4C trainers from the TPO Foundation. The Philosophy for Children (P4C) manual in elementary schools was created as part of the Philosophy for Children Program project through integration with curriculum reform and activities of the Institute for the Development of Pre-University Education Sarajevo Canton, which is implemented from 2021, by TPO Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Education of Sarajevo Canton. The purpose of this manual is to offer classroom teachers an innovative work program for engagement classes, according to the P4C work method and scenarios for the implementation of this program as an incentive for the development of teacher creativity. In the introductory part of the manual, Elmana Cerić, an internationally certified P4C trainer, gives a brief theoretical overview of the educational potential of philosophy for children (P4C) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the world. The rest of the handbook consists of the teaching programs of 24 teachers, which are adapted for different age groups of pupils.


When we try to reconstruct the lives of women in historical contexts, we encounter persistent problems caused by the lack of direct evidence coming from the women themselves. We learn about their history from men’s narrative and men’s perspectives. Difficulties related to the depiction of women’s lives in the ancient world are numerous, and our task is made especially difficult by the religious context. The Greek, Jewish, or Christian testimonies from the ancient world presented here are notoriously male-oriented in their worldview and view of the ‘other world’. The book analyzes the role of women and concepts of the feminine gender in the context of ancient religion and explains the diversity, both in beliefs about women and their various contributions.


This book discusses the different ways in which feminists have understood labor, especially women’s labor, in relation to issues of freedom and oppression. The book encompasses four centuries of capitalism and examines feminist positions tied to numerous political traditions and traces feminist theories of labor through this historical framework, conceptualizing them through three broad trajectories to understand why and how feminists disagree on the issue of women’s labor. These trajectories are: feminism of equality, feminism of critical equality, and feminism of social reproduction. Women and Work: Feminism, Labour, and Social Reproduction is a book about theory. Only it is a theory that is needed if we want to create a world where satisfying human needs for safety, health, survival, and creativity is a top priority.


The book entitled “Feminism and Religion in the 21st Century: Technology, Dialogue, and Expanding Borders” is a pioneering edition. Various female authors write about the transformational effects of communication technologies, the Internet, blogs, and social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, in the communities of women and men involved in religion and feminism. Women are extremely involved in the digital world as they dominate blogs and represent the majority of total social media users. These media break down borders, communicate globally and across numerous divides, and allow women to deal with different issues based on their own experiences. The book encourages us to recognize the transformative possibilities that, thanks to social media technology, have provided to people, especially women. This is certainly not the end of this fascinating topic. It’s only the beginning of what new possibilities may bring, thanks to new technologies of communication and interaction.


Starting from the question “Who cleans the world?”, this book examines feminist struggles in the context of a violent and brutal counter-revolution. This issue prompted a strike by black and brown women who clean the Gare du Nord train station in Paris. This book examines the roles of what we call civilizational feminism in the text, viewed as a special strategy of the current counter-revolution. This feminism borrows the vocabulary and goals of the colonial civilizing mission, modernizing the politics that Frantz Fanon summed up in the sentence: “Let’s win over the women and the rest will follow.” Decolonial feminism accepts the existence of other feminisms; it does not want to become a theory, but to facilitate cross-border and international alliances.


Precarity” is a tricky term because it names a threat that is real and pervasive and consists of many elements crucial to an individual being. Judith Butler describes precarity as “a politically induced condition in which certain populations suffer from failing social and economic support networks and become differentially exposed to injury, violence and death” (2010). The fundamental question addressed by the authors in this book is how those who use the theory of care can respond effectively to the prevailing reality of neoliberal precarity. Another significant aspect of the theory of care is its feminist origin and its grounding in the experiences of women. Feminist social theory transfers the attention focused on the dynamics of power and privilege in society to the theory of care. Gender identity is the driving force behind the development of the ethics of care.


Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global problem and affects the lives of both women and men. In order to make a change, it is important to seriously address this issue in the educational programs of schools and universities where different forms of GBV also occur. Universities should be safe places for everyone, but a large number of teaching and administrative staff and students still know very little about gender equality (Spahić Šiljak et al., 2022). Support, in the processes of equipping higher education, is provided to the 19 universities, through the UNIGEM project led by the TPO foundation. One of the activities within this project is the International Conference titled “Despite fear and silence: universities against gender-based violence”, which was held on May 6 and 7, 2022 at the University of Sarajevo. The papers presented at the Conference are collected and structured in this anthology.

BOOK: Mainstreaming Gender Equality at Universities in the Balkans
Editors: Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Jasna Kovačević, Jasmina Husanović

This publication was created as a result of extensive research efforts as part of the five-year UNIversity and Gender Mainstreaming (UNIGEM) project launched in 2021 by the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo with the aim of networking universities from the region, exchanging expertise, equipping higher education by establishing mechanisms for gender equality (council or centers), adopting gender action plans (GAP), enriching curricula and programs in the field of gender equality, and sensitizing teaching staff and students through various types of thematic education and training. All of these are the reasons why a partnership was established with 18 universities (and as of this year 19) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, which is a great step forward both for higher education and for regional cooperation, because through networking, exchange of expertise and of experiences is provided by higher education through numerous examples and models of good practice.

The entire project, research and this publication were financially supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo, which recognized and valued our work.


English version available at the link

Select language version: BOS | CG | HRV | SRB

BROCHURE: The challenges of Mainstreaming Gender Equality in university communities. Fighting gender-based violence - key research results
Authors: Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Jasna Kovačević, Jasmina Husanović

Gender equality is a fundamental value of the mission of the European Union. One of the challenging goals of gender-sensitive policies and programs is to eliminate gender-based violence (GBV) in many political, social, economic and cultural contexts. As a global phenomenon, gender-based violence is closely related to gendered social norms and expectations and unfair power relations based on gender identities. The UNIGEM project included 19 partner universities in the Balkans in order to initiate institutional changes and an organizational culture at universities that must have zero tolerance towards GBV in their environment. At the very beginning of the UNIGEM project, the TPO Foundation conducted extensive quantitative and qualitative research through surveys and indepth interviews at 18 universities with the aim of researching gender (in)equality and gender-based violence in these institutions. The brochure contains a summary of the key findings of this research. The entire research was designed by a team of researchers from the Balkan region: Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Jasna Kovačević, Jasmina Husanović, Ajla Demiragić, Milena Karapetrović, Mirjana Dokmanović, Merima Jašarević, Lana Bobić and Marija Tatar Anđelić. Most of the interviews with women in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia were conducted by Zilka Spahić Šiljak and Lamija Subašić. Interviews with women in Croatia were conducted by Lana Bobić and Daria Glavan Šćulac. In Serbia, interviews with women were conducted by Zorica Mršević. Interviews with men in BH and Montenegro were conducted by Adnan Hasanbegović and Muhamed Velagić, in Croatia by Dario Čepo and Nebojša Zelić, and in Serbia by Dragan Stanojević, Zoran Krstić and Vladimir Todorović.

Sundari Anitha i Ruth Lewis

We understand GBV as behaviour or attitudes underpinned by inequitable power relations that hurt, threaten or undermine people because of their (perceived) gender or sexuality. This definition recognises that GBV is influenced by and influences gender relations and problematises violence premised on hierarchical constructions of gender and sexuality. Women and girls constitute the vast majority of victims of GBV, and men the overwhelming majority of perpetrators (Watts and Zimmerman, 2002; Hester, 2009). GBV includes a continuum of behaviours and attitudes such as domestic violence, sexual violence, sexist harassment on the streets, trans/homophobic expressions and behaviours, and expressions on social media which normalise sexism and sexual objectification. These expressions and behaviours are connected through what Kelly (1988) described as a continuum of incidents and experiences. The continuum of incidents (Kelly, 1988, 1989) refers to the conceptual connections between acts that constitute the wallpaper of violations – the behaviours and expressions so commonplace that they often recede into the minutiae of everyday life – and the less common 'sledgehammer' events (Stanko, 1985) that are more widely recognised as harm, which are both underpinned by and reinforce gendered power hierarchies."

Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina - family, health system and labor relations - Zlatan Hrnčić

Violence against pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina - family, health system and labor relations“ is intended to be used by the professional and scientific community, but also by all other stakeholders who aim to contribute to creating a better social environment for family planning, women's reproductive health and social policies in Bosnia. and Herzegovina. This publication connects the cause-and-effect factors of pregnancy, intimate partnerships, society's expectations and defines the conditions for reconciling the business and private areas of life. The focus is on the barriers that women have which are defined by the fact that they are those who are susceptible to risk factors for violent patterns of behavior within the health system, work relationships and intimate partnerships during pregnancy.

Learning and Teaching Methods for Improving Critical Thinking

Handbook for primary and secondary school teachers "P4C - PHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN: Methods of learning and teaching to improve critical thinking" by authors Elmana Cerić, Melika Šahinović and Sead S. Fetahagić is a result of the program SAPERE BIH which promotes and affirms philosophy for children as methods and approach in learning and teaching, with the aim of developing thinking skills, communication, as well as building self-confidence and improving the overall personality. P4C or Philosophy for Children developed by Matthew Lipman, based on the Socratic method of questioning and the concept of the "community of philosophical questioning" (Community of Philosophical Inquiry) by John Dewey. Philosophy for children is a method of questioning based on thinking about philosophical / big questions and concepts, reflection and argumentation that lead to improving thinking skills, shaping and changing attitudes, cultivating questioning skills: critical, creative, collaborative and caring / empathetic thinking. often uses the English abbreviation 4C (critical, creative, collaborative, caring). This handbook is intended for teachers working in primary and secondary schools, as well as pedagogues and other school workers. It offers simple instructions, rules, suggestions and explanations that can be used in the preparation and implementation of classes in order to achieve greater efficiency and success in the intellectual, emotional and social development of each child. In order to improve educational programs in BiH, through the integration of the philosophy method for children in the promotion of critical thinking in children and youth, the TPO Foundation has designed a program of teacher education and materials in the Bosnian language. This handbook will, above all, help teachers to develop the capacities and methods of work in transmitting the material of the curriculum, as well as to support students in the development of critical thinking.


New book "Healing and Peacebuilding After War. Transforming Trauma in Bosnia and Herzegovina" is recently published by Routlegde Press. The book is a result of the International Conference on "Trauma Memory and Healing" organized by TPO Foundation (2016) in Sarajevo in partnership with University of Boston, Harvard Program in Refugee and Trauma, George Mason University, Center of Justice and Peace Building Eastern Mennonite University, Vrije University from Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Documenta (Hrvatska).
Editors Julianne Funk, Marie Berry and Nancy Good with twelve authors produced valuable texts for students and practitioners to address peacebuilding process from a psychological and psychosocial perspectives.


The uniqueness of this anthology before us lies in the manner of its creation. Before delving into that, let us remind ourselves that, thanks to a series of global initiatives, a significant number of various conferences, useful educational programs, relevant research studies, and a considerable number of publications on topics related to gender and globalization have been realized to date. Not coincidentally—these are inexhaustible subjects that are thought to be well-understood, carrying their inherent value judgments, coexisting as both “male and female” gendered, and seemingly not naturally aligned.
But is it really so?


The book Sociology of Gender-Feminist Critique is designed primarily for students, but it can be used beyond the classroom for those who want to get acquainted with the basic sociological concepts of sex, gender, gender identities, sexuality, socialization, family, work, economy, gender sensitive language and religion. Through seven chapters the author, professor Zilka Spahić Šiljak, PhD offers interdisciplinary reading of the key theoretical insights in sociology, economics, language and religion. This is accompanied with the international research data used by feminist critique in deconstruction of the existing concepts of knowledge. The book, inter alia aims at helping students to understand the complexity of gender identities which in intersection with other identities and socio-cultural factors put a person in the position of subject or object of knowledge and exploration. Although each chapter discusses the asymmetry of gender inequality, particular focus is made on social, political and cultural factors that contribute to the construction of gender and gender roles.


The handbook ''Strengthening Intercultural and Interreligious Competences'' edited by Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Sedžida Hadžić and Azra Nezirić is the result of the joint work of the TPO Foundation and associates from primary and secondary schools and faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, representatives of the Ministries of Education, Pedagogical and Educational Institutions, and the religious institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of contributing to a better quality of non-formal education in democratic societies.

The purpose of this handbook is twofold: on the one hand, the intention is to strengthen teachers' intercultural and interreligious competences through trainings for trainers (TOT), and on the other, to train teachers to create and implement similar trainings in schools themselves. Therefore, the handbook is divided into two parts: practical and theoretical.
A special feature of this handbook is that it offers Bennett's Continuum of Intercultural Development shared with the reader and potential user by the authors of the texts: Zilka Spahić Šiljak, Sedžida Hadžić, Izet Numanović, Elma Softić - Kaunitz, Elmana Cerić, Bernard Harbaš, Nezir Halilović, Andreja Pehar, Šejla Džanan, Snježana Petraš, Emina Jusufbegović, Marina Heraković, Bernard Heraković, Goran Stanić.
The handbook is available in electronic and hard copy in Bosnian and Croatian language variant.


The Final Baseline Study Report aimed to examine the success of the three-year project ''Peer and Gender-Based Violence'' which was implemented in 31 schools in three cantons: The Sarajevo Canton, Herzegovina – Neretva Canton and The Central Bosnia Canton, to highlight positive practices that contributed to addressing violence and alarming institutions and school communities to the new challenges young generations face. The Study also encourages taking new and urgent steps to identify and suppress any potential threats that result in violence against children.
Although the results of The Study show that awareness of violence in schools participating in the project is higher, more violence is reported, physical violence is significantly reduced, the triangle of teacher-student-parent cooperation is strengthened, there is cooperation between the school community and institutions, and that gender issues are no longer unknown, yet there are challenges that school communities cannot adequately resist.
In the future, we have responsibility to use all of our capacities and face these challenges in order to contribute to the highest school community quality, without violence.


Reviews of the book "Living Presence: Sufi Path to Mindfulness", written by Kabir Edmund Helminski, are given by Teaching Professor Rešid Hafizović and Dr Amra Delić. It was published by TPO Foundation.
The practice of presence, faith, righteousness, ethics, social justice, action with the intent and spiritual reflection, self-conscience and charity form the backbone of the book.
The themes of this book are pervaded in all the great spirtual traditions. They are seriously considering what it means to be aware of here and now, which today is called by different names such as mindfulness, zhikr, awakening, memory, and all of them at the same time being unspeakable.
In the most practical way, the author has shared the experiences, thoughts and knowledge that have been preserved in traditional wisdom, believing that it is time for these ideas to enter the hearts of modern human beings. Therefore, he used modern terms to go through the walls of resistance and conditionality that were aroused by contemporary circumstances.
The book ''Living Presence: Sufi Path to Mindfulness'' offers the ideas which transform and bring its own energy and suggestions in order to being practices inside of one's own religion, perspective and everyday life.


The book Bosnian Labyrinth: culture, gender and leadership is edited by Zilka Spahić Šiljak and she shares authorship with Suada Penava and Jasna Kovačević. The book appeared as the result of research conducted with Bosnian-Herzegovinian leaders in politics and business from 2015 to 2018. The research results demonstrate that there are not crucial difference in effectveness of male and female leadership, but gender roles and leadership roles are not congruent. For instance: strong female leaders and sensitive male leaders are not in compliance with their socially expected roles. There are differences between women and men in risk-taking, emotional influence in decision-making, focus on tasks and/or human relations, but these differences are not pronounced: both men and women are risk-takers and they appreciate the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership.
Despite the encouraging attitudes of the young leaders who participated, the labyrinth of leadership continues to seriously challenge women with stereotypes, autostereotypes, and social discouragement, in addition to the moral double standards employed when assessing their readiness for leadership.


The Diary of Emotions is the result of working with parents and children as part of the TPO Foundation project "Peer and Gender Based Violence". The author of the publication is Pedagogy and Psychology Professor Snježana Petraš, and the author of the drawings is Nikolina Popović, a pupil of the seventh grade of the Primary School "Nova Bila".
This publication aims to stimulate conversation between parents and children and improve their relationship. It also helps to better self-awareness and understanding of one's own reactions to some of the emotions, reviewing personal processes and relationships, as well as talking between children and parents. A healthy relationship demands mutual responsibility and contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the relationship.
With the desire to make the Diary of Emotions useful to children and parents, the TPO Foundation team hopes to build better relationships between parents and children, to be held and transferred to other members of the family, school community and society.


The collection of essays Living Values: Global Ethic in Local Context of BiH, published by TPO Foundation and edited by Zilka Spahić Šiljak and Melika Šahinović, is the result of cooperation between TPO Foundation and elementary and secondary school teachers, as well as university professors, that aims to promote universal human values in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
Authors in their short essays speak about universal ethical values of active tolerance, ethic, openness, solidarity, friendship, support, empathy, kindness, listening and etc. are: Izet Numanović, Mejra Mejra Numanović, Melika Šahinović, Sedžida Hadžić, Miroslav Bagara, Berminka Hrelja Bećirspahić, fra Ivan Nujić, Sanela Mesihović, Alma Ahmethodžić, Selvira Mašnić, Munevera Rahmanović-Hrbat, Amela Petričević, Vanja Ivković, Mirza Jahić, Sabahudin Ćeman, Sead Gazibegović, Elma Softić-Kaunitz.


The Manual "Prevention of Peer and Gender-Based Violence: Strengthening the partnership between teachers and parents" was created during 2017 within the three year project Peer and gender-based violence at school.
The editor of the Manual is Monja Šuta-Hibert, while the authors are Berminka Hrelja, Melisa Mizdrak, Edna Haznadarević, Amra Delić, Nermina Kravić, Mario Hibert, Šejla Džanan, Amela Petričević and Elma Softić-Kaunitz.

The manual is intended for teaching staff in elementary schools to strengthen professional competence of teachers in work and communication with parents.  The structure of the Manual consists of five parts prepared by the team of experts with many years of experience in the field of education, pedagogy, sociology, adolescent psychiatry and psychology. A long-standing expert experience presented with examples of practical work with parents will additionally contribute to strengthening the competencies of teachers in BiH schools. The Manual is available in printed and electronic forms in Bosnian and Croatian.


TPO Foundation launches the Mindfulness Program that provides variety of meditative practices and techniques for stress management. One can exercise them individually or in groups. The Diary of Thoughts-Mindfulnessis one of the first publications within this program and its summary can be found on this link.
Guidelines, questions and coloring pages that are part of the Diary of Thoughts are used as didactic material for stress management seminars and help us to follow our thoughts, become aware of our emotions and body but also to live in the moment, present and awake.
If you are intersted in learning more about mindfulness techniques, please contact us on the following e-mail:


The Manual "Prevention of Peer and Gender-Based Violence: Strengthening Competencies in Work with Children" was created within the program "Initiative for Creative Dialogue and Education" (ICDE), when at the beginning of 2017, the TPO Foundation started cooperation and joint implementation of the three-year project "Peer and gender-based violence in school "with the ministries of education in Sarajevo, Herzegovina-Neretva and Central Bosnia cantons.

The editors of the Manual are Melika Šahinović and Amila Kahrović-Posavljak, while the authors are Amra Delić, Melisa Mizdrak, Alma Jeftić, Elma Omersoftić, Andreja Pehar, Snježana Petraš and Nermina Vehabović-Rudež. The manual is intended for teaching staff in elementary schools for the purpose of education and training in identifying signs of violence and abuse of children, and the effective resolution of these problems in cooperation with parents and other relevant institutions. The structure of the Manual consists of six parts prepared by the team of experts with many years of experience in the field of education, pedagogy and psychology. A long-standing expert experience presented with examples of practical work with students, teachers and parents will additionally contribute to strengthening the competencies of teachers in BiH schools. The Manual is available in printed and electronic forms in Bosnian and Croatian.


Proceeding "Unhealed trauma" is a result of the conference "Trauma, memory and healing in the Balkans and beyond'' held in Sarajevo, July 2016 and organized by TPO Foundation. Editors are Julianne Funk and Nancy Good, and renowned American psychiatrist Steve Olwean wrote the foreword.
The core of the book is reliance that there is no sustainable peace without trauma healing after surviving violence. Authors are recognized local and international scientists and practitioners in various disciplines. That can be seen from subjects they wrote about. The nature and role of the trauma and chances for peacebuilding – in various contexts, including former Yugoslavia – as well as the different barriers to this process are considered in the book. Special attention is given to Bosnia and Herzegovina since the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the 90's had the hardest impact on this country.
Videos with the presentations can be found here.


Within the framework of the project "Peer and Gender-Based Violence at School", a Baseline Study: "Peer and Gender-Based Violence in Primary Schools in BiH", was conducted in 30 primary schools in Sarajevo, Herzegovina-Neretva and the Central Bosnia cantons. The Baseline Study was conducted by TPO Foundation team based on the questionnaire, in which Dr. Amra Delić, neuropsychiatric specialist, mr. Sc. Alma Jeftić and mr. Sc. Melika Šahinović participated. The Baseline Study is an analysis of various forms of violence and its transformation in and out of school, school rules and practice against violence, as well as an analysis of preventive measures used to combat peer violence. The study is one of the project activities that aims to raise awareness of peer and gender-based violence and its threats, and to establish effective mechanisms for prevention and reduction of violence within and outside the school in cooperation with education ministries, primary schools, teachers, and pedagogues and other school staff as well as students, parents and social institutions.


Proceedings When feminism and religion encounter is a result of several cycle of seminars held in different cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the topic of Gender Equality Ethos. Within the support of the Ecumenical Women's Initiative from Omiš these seminars were organized in partnership with IMIC Together Sarajevo, Sarajevo TPO Foundation and Youth Forum from Mostar.
The seminars were conducted by Zilka Spahić Šiljak, PhD, Drago Bojić, PhD and Božana Katava, MA. The goal was to deconstruct religious narratives of human anthropology and to point out a possible reduction of stereotypical perceptions of the role of women and men in family and society, and to show that sacred texts provide a framework for egalitarian readings of gender relations.
The participants were teachers, students and activists from Tuzla, Sarajevo and Mostar who spoke out through their short essays about meeting and confronting feminist and religious arguments on human anthropology.

Elma Softić – Kaunitz & Pavle Kaunitz

TPO Foundation published the collection of stories ''Everything We Do (Not) Want to Know'' within the project ''Prevention and Reduction of Gender based and Peer Violence at School''. The themes of the stories are various forms of violence in society. The stories are accompanied by corresponding comics where one can find useful information for solving diverse situations where violence dominates. Husremović stated in her review of this very collection: ''Material prepared by TPO Foundation in that domain has a great advantage for workshops and it is the use of comics.'' In today's busy and hectic world education by use of comics turned out to be a very effective medium in transmission of messages. Therefore, TPO Foundation strives to use and promote it in order to prevent and reduce violence at schools but also in society.
Beside other educational materials in TPO Foundation's holdings this very collection of stories will find its place on workshops for young people in order to sensitize them when it comes to various forms of violence happening in their immediate surroundings.

by Myra Strober

''Sharing the Work: What My Family and Career Taught Me about Breaking Through (and Holding the Door Open for Others)'' by Myra Strober was translated into BCS languages and published by TPO Foundation as a part of the programme ''Leadership and Women''. TPO Foundation develops leadership programme with the focus on young people and women; therefore this very book represents additional incentive and inspiration for young women to take action. The key issues in this book are having both career and family, making of networks, fighting against discrimination in predominantly male working environment and building of one's own leadership style. Young women and men can learn in this book more about strategies professor Myra and her colleagues and partners applied to deal better with patriarchal culture and exclusion of women from positions of power and decision-making. They can also learn how they achieved more in partnership with men because both family and career demand partnership and understanding and both women and men can benefit from it. It is particularly interesting which leadership styles professor Myra applied and she defines her leadership style as moderately radical because she finds it important not only to change opinion of her interlocutors about gender equality but also to win them in her network of partners. However, a combination of various leadership styles can be designed depending on the context.


Publication of ''Global Ethic Manual for Primary School'' is a result of TPO Foundation's strivings to expand the area of contextual promotion of Global Ethic in the educational structures and processes to primary schools area. This project has begun in 2014 and until now, with the approval of relevant educational structures, has covered four cantons: Tuzla, Sarajevo, Zenica – Doboj and Herzegovina – Neretva cantons. Integration of Global Ethic at B&H primary and secondary schools implies active cooperation of teachers of various profiles and subjects, realisation of collaborative projects including participation of students and parents, interschool cooperation and work with local community. Permeation of various subjects and school life with ethical values and principles of Global Ethic is directed towards efficient mediation of ethical motivation and competences to young people in order to make new ethical climate both inside and outside school and to enable more humane paradigms in political, economic, religious, educational, cultural and family spheres for long period. Therefore, we invite all teachers to use the Manual freely for all constructive actions in the materials encouraged or demanded by various factors. Didactic materials ''World Religions – World Peace – Global Ethic'' as well as many other exercises and teaching materials that complement the content of this Manual are available in BCS languages in the TPO Foundation premises and on the web page


This very book by Ute Baur-Timmerbrink represents a unique sample of narrative testimonies by children born of occupation in the period from 1945 to 1955 in 20th century. The book strives to encourage children born of occupation as well as readers to deal with the past in order to prevent transmission of unresolved issues or even traumas to the future generations.

0% TOLERANCE TO VIOLENCE AT SCHOOLS - Guide through the Protocol of Conduct in Case of Violence at School for Children/Youth, Parents and Teachers

0% TOLERANCE TO VIOLENCE AT SCHOOLS - Guide through the Protocol of Conduct in Case of Violence at School is intended primarily for children and young people, parents and teaching staff, and arose from the need to try affirm the existing mechanisms and legal obligations to which the schools in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton already committed. The goal is a system protection of children and young people who are exposed to violent behavior of their peers and peers, but also help the children who behave violently. By detecting, stopping and preventing violence not only to provide children and young people help to overcome the consequences of the violence, but they send a clear message to us is their well-being is important and that we want to live in a society that does not tolerate violence in any form. In this connection, TPO Foundation and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Herzegovina-Neretva Canton decided to use existing resources, capabilities, but also a legal obligation that the authorities regularly prescribed.


A book “Gender Stereotypes: Sounds Familiar?” was born within the project “Initiative for Creative Dialogue and Education” (ICDE) implemented by TPO Foundation Sarajevo. The book was edited by Monja Šuta-Hibert and the review was written by Ms. Radmila Rangelov-Jusović and Professor Damir Kukić. The book is a collection of essays written by various authors who deal with gender equality in various segments of life, prejudices on feminism and position of women in contemporary B&H society. It represents a unique combination of so called educational comics with short thematic texts that discuss several gender and feminist issues and aspects closely related to education, patriarchal and family values, law, science, religion, politics, media and other numerous gender based discriminatory practices. A lodestar through the whole process was the facts that they who knew very little about feminism were usually the fiercest critics and that those who were the loudest claimed they had never been the slaves of gender stereotypes and prejudices repeated the same thing on a daily basis. It should be emphasized that this very book represents one of the shifts taken on the daily basis in order to reach a wider circle of people and to work on raising awareness and breaking of deeply rooted prejudices.


NIRA'S CHALLENGES, Elma Softic-Kaunitz, Pavle Kaunitz

The book for teenagers called "Nira's Challenges" is a result TPO Foundation desire to encourage young people through the project "Initiative for creative dialogue and education IKDE" to enter the world of the heroine Nira through a creative and colorful way which offers insight into the problems of modern society in which we live, and offers some ways for their solution, especially at the local level. The authors Elma and Pavle Kaunitz represent young, energetic, ambitious, talented, but above all empathic and fair heroine. Nira observes things that other people turn their heads and close their eyes. Her conscience does not allow her not to act in cases such as bullying or domestic violence, while, exposing her to the danger, she stops between the victim and the offender. As she meets Nikola Tesla, Bertha von Suttner, Astrid Lindgren, Irena Sendler, Albert Einstein, Nira, without patronizing, is sharing the lessons of devotion, generosity, empathy, pacifism. In addition, her mentor and friend, Leonardo da Vinci, will entertain and make us laugh to tears by his skillful characterization. Renaissance genius with impeccable talent and skills will be sitting next to Nira and solve problems in an attempt to make the world a better and happier place to live.

Comic Book Novel NIRA, Vol. II. Elma Softić-Kaunitz, Pavle Kaunitz, Neven Misaljević, Filip Andronik, 2015.

During 2015, in the framework of the "Initiative for creative dialogue and education (ICDE)", TPO Foundation began work on the second edition of the comic book novel "NIRA". Working with students at high schools through workshops that include topics of civic activism, engaged art, human rights, and due to the need for continuation of learning about out rights and responsibilities in the community in which we live, TPO Foundation has launched a new publication of the stories of heroine Nira in the second edition of the eponymous comic book novel. Five episodes of the comic book “NIRA” will keep your attention and encourage you to think about your own work in your community. Learning that we must not be blind in front of injustice, “NIRA” will prompt us to re-examine our own responsibility towards ourselves and others.


The publication "Global Ethic under the school roof: A guide for the integration of a global ethic in the teaching process" was created as part of the project of TPO Foundation from Sarajevo "The integration of a global ethic in educational structures and processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina", and was backed up by professional and financial assistance of Global Ethic Foundation of Tübingen which seems to be based for hope that we will soon have similar publications for other aspects of the project world ethos, and primarily for those related to politics, economy, ecology, peacemaking and dialogue among religions. By combining theoretical and practical approach, this publication for the first time in our region in a comprehensive way draws attention to the positive potential global ethic of educational processes and structures in the midst of Bosnian society that for centuries marked by the reality of which can not escape a single globalized society.

GLOBAL ETHIC , Alen Krstić

The book "Global Ethic: Documents - the foundation - the application" was created as part of the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo "The integration of a global ethic in educational structures and processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina", behind which is also, with their professional and financial aid, Global Ethic Foundation of Tübingen.
So far unique in the region, this book provides a systematic overview of the basic documents on which the project world ethos is fouded, with special attention to the different ways the establishment and implementation of a global ethic in modern societies confronted with globalization, which left to itself threatens not only humanistic achievements our civilization, but also the planet Earth.


In order to encourage young people to actively participate in the public life of the community and improve the quality of life, and to provide support to young people in developing their knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to adapt to market demands, the research team of TPO Foundation Sarajevo conducted needs analysis for youth during the 2014 in the framework of project called "Initiative for creative dialogue and education". Based on the views and needs of young people in relation to leadership, communication, employment and work, position in society, and other issues of importance to young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we conducted a manual called "Personal and professional development - manual for youth". This manual is a product of our wishes to contribute to and support the youth to extend their professional development in their acquired knowledge, and develop and strengthen their potential, skills and competencies to become useful and productive members of society.

Federalni Parlament


This Book is a result of years long research of scholars and practitioners gathered around Trauma, Memory and Healing project that was officially launched in 2013 in Tuzla, and then enlarged its activities within Transcultural Psychosocial Educational Foundation (TPO) Sarajevo as separate Program for Interdisciplinary Learning and Research - PILAR. Thanks to TPO support and enthusiasm of the key participants engaged in further development of PILAR program, this project is anticipated as a beginning of future collaboration in constructive dealing with the past and reconciliation. The book is edited by Alisa Mahmutovic and Amra Delic.

Federalni Parlament

Comic Book Novel NIRA, , Vol. I. Elma Softić-Kaunitz, Pavle Kaunitz, Esmir Prlja, Filip Andronik, 2014.

Within the project “Initiative for Creative Dialogue and Education (ICDE)”, TPO Foundation launched the publishing of the comic book “NIRA” in order to make human rights closer to young people, especially teenagers. Guided by the idea that young people need to be agents of the change in society through various activities, TPO Foundation has created a special material that would appropriately encourage them to articulate human rights issues in their community. The comic book “NIRA” as an expressive form, which communicates different messages interweaving images and words on human rights and their application, encourages youth to learn, revolve and work, and thus combine creativity and civic activism. The heroine of this comic book, Nira, in an authentic way represents one of the models of an engaged young person and conscious citizen who with her own example daily shows courage and initiative for change in society. She is aware of the difficulties with which the society in which she lives encounters, but she resists passive, inert and uniform society which with its silence and inactivity allows the violation of human rights. Nira, courageous and persistent in her goals, raises her voice not allowing injustice and lawlessness to happen in front of her. She gains support from her friends with her ideas, wishes and activism and manages to change the attitudes of the environment.

Federalni Parlament

LIVING ON THE LANDSLIDE - Dervišević, Ferhatbegović

The manual indicates the mechanism of landslides, causes that can lead and contribute to the launching of earth masses, as well as preventive measures to be taken in order to prevent and eliminate damage.
The intention of the authors was to approach the concept of landslides common inhabitant, teach him how to recognize the landslide, and propose practical preventive measures, as well as a temporary repair of the land around the house, workshop, barn, fields, orchards. Building permit is not a guarantee that the soil will not slip. Who intends to build a facility on a slope, you should do proper research prior. This type of structure is more expensive, but safer.

Federalni Parlament


The first attempt for a Muslim woman to the their faith approaches gender-inclusive reading of the Quran
The heritage of the fourteen centuries of Islamic thought is marked by Qur'anic which dealt mostly with men. These work "Qur'an and Woman" Amina Wadud offers first female interpretation, interpretation that confirms and reaffirms a woman's voice in the Qur'an. Progressive Muslims and Muslim women has long been saying that it is not Religion has caused oppression of women, but patriarchal interpretations and ways interpretation and application of the Qur'anic text. Many therefore feel that the the way to change just in re-reading and interpreting religious texts.
The work of "Qur'an and Woman" calls for gender-inclusive reading within one of the core disciplines of Islamic thought, in that interpretation. Tafsir Qur'an. Autoricanamraskriva specific text sections and key words that have been used to women limit their public and private action, even to justify violence Muslim women and reveals how their real meaning and context do not support such understanding. It its analysis proving that the Quranic text is not gender biased, that does not favor or stereotypes.
Despite the abundance of Quranic compartments in favor of women and their importance, gender reform in Muslim societies continue encountering stubborn resistance. Amina Wadud in her reading of the Quran confirms women's equality with men and shows us the legitimate basis from which it is possible to question the legal unequal treatment that women had and still have in the Muslim societies. The author very clearly stressed that the text of the Qur'an is not prescribes a timeless and timeless and unchanging social structure of the relationship between men and women, but includes wider opportunities for referral of human society and to ispunjenijoj productive mutual cooperation between men and women which still not achieve even the Muslims nor non-Muslims.
Wadud Amine is a retired professor of Islamic studies Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Translated from English by: Zilka Spahic Šiljak and Ðermana Šeta

Federalni Parlament

ANALYSIS OF YOUTH NEEDS - Amra Omerbašić-Pihljak, Ivana Krstanović

Within the project "Initiative for Creative Dialogue and Education" TPO Foundation has conducted an analysis of youth needs. In an effort to follow the needs of the community, as well as of individuals, TPO Foundation provides appropriate educational materials and trainings that can help young men and women to get actively involved in social and political work in their local communities and beyond. The goal of the analysis is the examination of attitudes, opinions and needs of young people related to leadership, communication, employment, work, position of youth in the society, and many other issues, in order to create a basis for the development of educational materials for young people.

Federalni Parlament

SHINING HUMANITY - Life Stories of Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina- Zilka Spahić Šiljak

This research deals with the lives of eleven women, Leaders and peacemakers who have different ethnic and religious, and non-religious identities. They are very active in the past two decades in building peace and reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is important to write the life stories because they tell us ways of knowing what it means to be a complete man and confidant. "These roads require strength, commitment, curiosity, passion, a strategy for finding solutions to problems, and make the right decision. Stories have the power to us touched (in the heart). These stories of Bosnian women will, hopefully, touch readers / ice to reflect on their own life paths, to help them make decisions that will allow the light of humanity, which is often forcibly subdued or repressed life problems, to shine.

Federalni Parlament

PRIRUČNIK: Moja poslovna ideja, moja šansa (Handbook: My business idea, my chance)

As part of the'' Equal opportunities for women and men in politics in BiH'' TPO Foundation has prepared a handbook'' My business idea, my chance'' to empower women through education in rural areas, but in other communities to start their own business, but also for active social and political engagement. The manual is the result of teamwork author: Nadira Durakovic, Danke Zelic and Emine Abrahamsdotter and printed with the support of the Swiss government. This is one way to encourage and assist women entrepreneurship in BiH, because women are the poorest segment of the population in the world, including in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The manual can be dobti in areas TPO Foundation.

Federalni Parlament

LIDERSTVO – Jačanje liderskih vještina u radu u lokalnoj zajednici (LEADERSHIP - Strengthening leadership skills in the local community)

This handbook was developed in the framework of the project "Gender-inclusive community in BiH" TPO Foundation Sarajevo implemented in cooperation with two partner organizations: "Lara" Bijeljina and "Li-Woman" Livno, and with financial support from the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo.

Federalni Parlament


As a part of project "Equal opportunitis for women and men in politics" from July to October 2012 media campaign was implemented as a joint effort of partners from four projects, coordinated by Udružene žene (United Women) Banja Luka. Although resources for these activities were limited, partners in project succeded to drow attention of local and national media on their activities.

Federalni Parlament

GRADITELJICE MIRA (Women Peace-makers)- Alen Krstić

This book Women Peacemakers - Social and Political Engagement of Nobel Peace Prize Winners encompasses the life of fifteen brave women who have had the privilege to receive the Nobel Prize, and presents them respecting the chronological order of the awards. The book includes 12 essays focused primarily on their social and political engagement in which we witness the overlapping of different forms of peacemaking activities: deconstruction of mechanisms for establishment of the hostile sentiments in a society, opposition to war as a means for conflict resolution, peace negotiations mediation, rebuilding of trust and peace in postwar societies, fighting the social and political postwar consequences...

Federalni Parlament

BASELINE STUDY: WOMEN AND PEACE BUILDING IN BH - Zilka Spahić-Šiljak, Aida Spahić, Elmaja Bavčić

In April of 2011 The TPO Foundation started the project "Women and Peace-Building Reconciliation in BIH", which aims to identify and annotate the stories of women who have valiantly fought many informal processes in building peace during the war and especially after the war in BiH. As women often do not record their stories, and as their achievements are often ignored by the state institutions, the media and the scientific institutions, it is proved extremely necessary and important to hear and record the stories of peacemakers, especially in light of UNSCR 1325 and thus to discover, informal processes of peace-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina, making them available, visible and recognizable.

Federalni Parlament

RODNO INKLUZIVNE ZAJEDNICE U BiH (Gender Inclusive Communities in BiH)- Jasmina Čaušević

Based on the results of the Analysis, TPO team in cooperation with experienced politicians, business women and prominent activists in partner's NGO leaders is designing the Handbook Manual for Leadership of women and men for improvement of gender inclusive policies in local communities. The Project is supported by the US Government, Office of Public Affairs in BiH.

Federalni Parlament


The purpose of this guidance is that, in a concise manner, provide information needed by current and future analysts who work on programs of social inclusion of minorities, on how to conduct monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects in general. Content, methods and procedures specified in the instruction does not need to understand as something that must be followed in every case. Monitoring and evaluation, as well as at the end of the analysis, the areas most dependent on logical reasoning and creative abilities of people who work in these areas.

Federalni Parlament


.. The analysis of this matter will certainly influence the sensitivity of the public to the existence of problems related to sustainable return, Employment and Gender Equality, as the undeniable fact that does not give sufficient consideration the integration of returnee women in the labor market ... .. Of utmost importance is that the publication focuses on the need to train unemployed women returnees to perform tasks that will improve their social and economic status, because it is the key and the path to solving the problem. Therefore it is realistic to expect education and implementation of active employment policies, especially affirmative action, to a large extent result in increased employment opportunities and general economic progress of returnees, particularly women returnees ... (Excerpt from review)

Federalni Parlament

RODNO OSJETLJIVA ANALIZA ZAKONSKIH DOKUMENATA U OBLASTIMA SOCIJALNE I ZDRAVSTVENE ZAŠTITE, RADA I ZAPOŠLJAVANJA (Gender-sensitive analysis of legal documents in areas of social and health care, labor and employment) - Various authors (edited by: Jasmina Čaušević)

The publication "Social inclusion of refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina - gender-sensitive analysis of legal documents in areas of social and health care, labor and employment", the product of reflection and research group of authors who have developed gender-sensitive analysis of legal documents in state, entity, cantonal and municipal levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the fields of social and health care, and labor and employment, with special emphasis on the rights of women returnees. The analysis is part of project implementation Social inclusion of women returnees in BiH, led by Transcultural Psychosocial Educational Foundation (TPO) from Sarajevo, with support from the Norwegian Government.

Federalni Parlament


Gender-sensitive situational analysis conducted by the TPO Foundation, is the first attempt to detect the situation and to propose measures accordingly improve the status of returnees. These measures include the promotion of gender mainstreaming in order to achieve equality and equal opportunities for women and men, which are further discussed in TPO publications: "Developing a measure of active labour market with focus on returnees"and "Gender-sensitive analysis of legal documents in the field of social and health protection, labor and employment,'' ... set the standards of the European Union in the field of social policy, and more importantly, the most vulnerable groups - the returnees will be given the chance to secure themselves and their families a life worthy of man.

Federalni Parlament


Women Religion and Politics is a rich compendium of information about gender relations in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Meticulously researched and lucidly organized, Women Religion and Politics should help the different religious communities to better understand their own gender practices and those of their neighbors. (Rachel Adler, PhD, Hebrew Union College, LA California)

Federalni Parlament

Countering Violence with Dialogue- Zilka Spahić - Šiljak, Sabiha Husić

Countering Violence with Dialogue Handbook is now available in English language and it can be dowloaded from our website. Taking this occasion, we would like to thank UN Women for their support and we do hope that the Handbook is going to be used for education on violence and dialogical methods that could be useful in overcomeing violence and misunderstanding.

Federalni Parlament


The book was developed within Nonconfe- ssional education in B&H project implemented by Goethe Institute Sarajevo, and another book - "Culture of religion" will be edited based on the aforementioned book. The book provides scientific discussion and interdisciplinary and comparative approach on monotheistic religions, and on other, provides school teachers and students with a very helpful teaching tool (for both teaching religion and culture of religion), was emphasised.

Federalni Parlament


The book was developed within Nonconfe- ssional education in B&H project implemented by Goethe Institute Sarajevo, and another book - "Culture of religion" will be edited based on the aforementioned book. The book provides scientific discussion and interdisciplinary and comparative approach on monotheistic religions, and on other, provides school teachers and students with a very helpful teaching tool (for both teaching religion and culture of religion), was emphasised.

Federalni Parlament

I VIJERNICE I GRADANKE (BOTH BELIEVERS AND CITIZENS) - Zilka Spahić - Šiljak, Rebeka Jadranka Anić

The book "Both Believers and Citizens" analyses the notion of women dignity, women position in society and marriage, public life, and their peace building role, within three religious traditions; Roman-Catholic, Orthodox and Islam, with the aim of construction and reconstruction of sex stereotypes. Philosophical-theological and cultural assumptions are given center of attention for their crucial role in each of the religious tradition on defining gender identities and gender roles, and original religious texts are therefore consulted. In that way contribution of religious traditions and individual engagament to implementation of The Article Five of CEDAW, UN Resolution 1325 on women and peace and security, and legislations and teachings of churches and religious communities.

Federalni Parlament


The first part of the Handbook is dedicated to the study of myth, symbol and rituals as the crucial segments of each religion. Further elaboration of these notions and phenomena is structured within various disciplines: from religiology, philosophy and psychology to the cultural studies and anthropology. The second part of the Handbook is dedicated to the relationships between religion and art with emphasis on the elementary characteristics and forms of the Christian, Islamic and Jewish art, within history of aesthetics and the history of art. Even this rough presentation of the Handbook's structure shows its relevance, but also it's demanding character both for teacher and students, considering its account multidisciplinary approach to this field.

Federalni Parlament

ROD I RELIGIJA (GENDER AND RELIGION) - Zilka Spahić-Šiljak i Rebeka Jadranka Anić

The Syllabus is structured in a very inventive and inclusive way with fifteen accompanying texts precisely harmonized with the main themes. Students will get a chance to learn more about the prevailing androcentric interpretations of the sacred texts in monotheistic religious traditions of Judaism Christianity and Islam, but the accentuation will be put on the egalitarian feminist and modern readings and re-readings of the same texts. The Course offers a comparative gender perspective in monotheistic religions, which will be a good challenge for students to study, compare, analyze and bring new messages about gender politics in their own contexts.

Federalni Parlament


The Handbook Religion and Politics prepared by Entoni Seperic is consisted of the syllabus and the accompanying texts from the required literature for the course which gives critical reflections on the very complex relations between religion and politics in contemporary world and especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina . The Syllabus is creatively and thoroughly designed, with quite good selections of the texts. The first text is selected as an introductory disposition and offers an excellent review of the modern theoretical approaches and basic models of interactions between religion and politics. Fine introductory elaboration on various notions and examples of them are further developed, nuanced and contextualized in the following texts in order to explore the course themes in a very complex, rather then reductionist way of theorizing.

Federalni Parlament


The Handbook Religion and Ethics is designed as a part of the ''Teaching Religion at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina '' Project. Editors, Alen Kristic and Spahija Kozlic structured the Course and the Handbook with a special emphasis on the ethics of the three monotheistic religious traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) with their distinctive frameworks, but also with their similarities and commonalities. The Syllabus begins with explication of the basic notions of ethics as a philosophical discipline, and then challenges religious and non-religious ethics in order to point out the differences, but also the similarities between these two perspectives.

Federalni Parlament


The image of religious pluralism reflected by the first Handbook, Introduction to World Religions receives the greatest focus in the second Handbook of the series "Religious Studies in BiH". Duško Trninić edited the syllabus and selected the texts for the Handbook New Religious Movements , which explains the roles and functions of the various religious movements founded in the last hundred years, that include those based on the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, as well as the traditions of Eastern Religions. With the selection of texts, the editor manages to point to the diversities of present-day religious life, the need for tolerance to those different from us, and the acknowledgement and promotion of divergences. This course is very important in proving that large tradiotional religions do not have exclusive privileges in contemporary spirituality, as well as that "small" religions and movements must be recognized.

Federalni Parlament


Human Rights and Religion Handbook by its own title penetrates in the essence of the ''Democratization through reform of education'' project. Editors Christian Moe and Spahija Kozlic have successfully elaborated on the challenges that modern human rights pose to religious traditions, but they also emphasized a necessary ''dedication'' to rights provided by religions or within religious dimension of human rights. Students will study the basic tenets of human rights which encompass: notion of human rights, their development and divisions through the history, monitoring mechanisms of their implementation and examples of their violations in practice. The central part of the Handbook is dedicated to the relationships between monotheistic religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and human rights discourse which is framed very well by the proper text selection.

Federalni Parlament


The Handbook Sociology of Religion with Methodology edited by Dino Abazovic and Željko Škuljević, is related to the principle scientific discipline which seeks to, by its own perspective and scientific tools and methodology, to illuminate a phenomenon of religion in its own intricacy and complexity. The spectrum of the Handbook themes can be classified into four thematic sections: sociological understanding of religious and the problems of sociology of religion, basic typology in sociology of religion, contemporary sociological aspects of society and religion.

Federalni Parlament


Rashid Hafizović and Nebojsa Vasic were drafted/edited course/manual Introduction to the Religions of the World, which is the academic thorough and exhaustive manner focuses on rich monotheistic religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but also includes the indispensable Far Eastern religious traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. An outstanding selection of texts, of which there are a large number of inspired translation of Rashid Hafizović, give distinctive color to the manual, which directs to discovering "secrets of religions" that inspired the development of civilizations.

Federalni Parlament


The Project Women, Religion and Politics was conducted by Dr. Zilka Spahić-Šiljak in the Bosnia and Herzegovina region with the support of TPO Foundation and IMIC Center. The project duration was three years (2004-2005), and the final output was publishing the book with the same title: Women, Religion and Politics Analysis of Influence of Interpretative Religious Traditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Participation of Women in Public Life in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Judaism, Christianity, Islam.