Nov 2021


Whether hate speech is freedom of speech is a question that was questioned by the Socratic method students of the International Burch University in Sarajevo. For the second year in a row, the IBU is under the auspices of the TPO Foundation, the host of Socrates' cafes, but, this year's first coffee, it was especially special and successful. Namely, in addition to the fact that the coffee gathered many participants, male and female students with almost all departments of Burch University and beyond, the above was held on the third Thursday in November, 18. 2021. which, according to a UNESCO decision, is World Philosophy Day.

Moreover, the mentioned coffee was especially enriched by the presence and active participation of members the newly founded Burch Philosophy Club, thus providing an opportunity for everyone to participate in the cafe those interested in philosophy and Socrates dialogue. Great interest in this event confirms the fact that in addition to live participants, Kafe also followed a number of participants along the way Google Meet platform.

The cafe facilitator was philosophy professor Enisa Klačar, who is opened a very interesting discussion by asking whether hate speech is freedom of speech. During the discussion, participants asked questions such as: is it possible to spread speech hatred to restrict freedom of speech? Who are the actors of hate speech, and whether they are intentional (mis) use freedom of speech for the stated purposes?

What message are they conveying ?, and finally, whether and to what extent freedom of speech is restricted, if restriction is borne in mind freedom — the freedom of another. There were questions and statements, which are in the spirit of Socrates opened new questions and thus intrigued those present. The success of the first Cafe is expressed by the curiosity and interest of students for future cafes, and praise from all participants. The next coffee is planned for December 2, 2021. year, the theme of the cafe is Interculturality, and the facilitator will be mr. Adem Olovčić with International Burch University and a longtime associate of the TPO Foundation.