LOC4SOC: Public call for bids

TPO Fondacija Sarajevo invites individual persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit offers for the services of lectures and proofreading of the final publication entitled “Mapping stereotypes and prejudices of adolescents towards vulnerable groups in the social community”. The publication is the result of research on the attitude of adolescents towards minorities, especially migrants. The goal of the research was to examine the presence of stereotypes and prejudices and to determine what is needed to achieve social cohesion of minorities. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase, the initial (baseline) research, mapped the attitudes of teenagers from primary schools, from the area of ​​the Municipality of Hadžići, towards minorities, in order to determine whether and what stereotypes they have and how much they know and accept others and others. After that, educational, cultural and sports activities were carried out with the aim of sensitizing adolescents, teaching and professional staff for intercultural competences. At the end of these activities, the research was repeated to determine whether there were changes in the attitudes of adolescents and their readiness to accept people from other cultures.

The public call is announced as part of the project LOC4SOC – Local Communities for Social Cohesion, implemented by the TPO Foundation Sarajevo with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and financed by the European Union.

All applicants interested in submitting bids should no later than July 30, 2024. submit offers via the email address: assist6@tpofond.org.

Offers received after the specified deadline will not be considered.

This invitation is not intended for legal entities.

Detailed job description available HERE.