
UNIGEM: The video material “What is a woman like?” created by student Lejla Mešanović has been published

In the month of March 2024, a student of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, Lejla Mešanović from Ilijaš, held a series of activities within the project Introducing gender-conscious policies in higher education – UNIGEM.

Lejla started her mini-project by showing the film “Girl Rising” to the students of the “Nedžad Ibrišimović” High School Center in Ilijaš. The film is about nine girls from nine countries: (Sierra Leone, Haiti, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Peru, Egypt, Nepal, India and Cambodia). Each girl had her own story written by a writer from her country. Their stories reflect their struggles to overcome social and cultural barriers.

Other activities were workshops on women who change the world, also intended for students of SŠC “Nedžad Ibrišimović” and a workshop on violence against women and femicide led by prof. Sanela Bašić from the Faculty of Political Science UNSA. More than 50 students listened to the workshops and the screening of the film.

As a final activity promoting the topic of gender equality, Lejla created video material on the topic “What is a woman like?”, and the entire recording is available at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPcHXV00LOc

The mentioned activities are supported within the framework of the UNIGEM project, by the TPO Foundation and the University Gender Resource Center of the University of Sarajevo.