Sarajevo 26. do 30. June 2009

second portion of TRaiNING SEMINAR: Modification of the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In the period of Jun 26 - 30, 2009 TPO Foundation has started the second portion of the Modification of the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina training-seminar. This part of the Training-seminar was focused on the UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

Voditeljice ovog modula su bile:
- Ivana Dračo, MA Women's human rights in public life,  peace and security domain,
- Marija Grujić, Public life and peace and safety building in community - Orthodox perspective,
- Rebeka Anić, PhD, Public life and peace-building and security in community - Catholic perspective,
-Zilka Spahić-Šiljak, PhD, Public life, peace and security - Islamic perspective.

The training-seminar was accomplished successfully, and participants will submit their final papers by August, 15 2009, so that the process of grading and preparation of the diplomas can be completed.

On the Round-table in early October, the Manual for the Training-seminar and the Book containing the works of seminar facilitators will be presented and diplomas will awarded to the participants.