UNIGEM (Univerziteti i gender mainstreaming) follow-up istraživanje se provodi nakon tri godine implementacije ovog projekta na 19 partnerskih univerziteta u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Tim povodom direktorica TPO Fondacija i akademska direktorica Univerzitetskog gender resursnog centra (UNIGeRC) je u Zagrebu održala sastanke sa koordinatoricama: prof.dr. Snježanom Vasiljević i prof.dr. Anitom Dremel.
Preparations for UNIGEM follow-up research with the Universities of Osijek and Zagreb
The UNIGEM (University Gender Mainstreaming) follow-up research is goidng to be conducted three years after the implementation of this project at 19 partner universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro. In this regard professorZilka Spahić Šiljak, the director of the TPO Foundation and the academic director of the University Gender Resource Center (UNIGeRC) held meetings in Zagreb with coordinators: professor Snježana Vasiljević and professor Anita Dremel.
During the meetings, which were also attended by UNIGEM collaborators Dr. Jadranka Rebeka Anić and Lana Bobić from the ZATO Foundation in Zagreb, discussions were held on the implementation of the follow-up research at the Universities of Zagreb and Osijek. It is important to include part of the teaching and administrative staff as well as the student population who participated in the first research in 2021, but also to involve others who were part of the project’s activities. The meetings established a timeline, identified potential respondents, and discussed the distribution of the questionnaire based on which quantitative data will be collected.
Tokom sastanaka na kojima si prisustvovale i UNIGEM suradnice dr.sc. Jadranka Rebeka Anić i Lana Bobić u ime Zaklade ZATO iz Zagreba razgovaralo se o načinu provedbe follow-up istraživanja na Sveučilištima u Zagrebu i Osijeku. Važno je uključiti dio nastavnog i administrativnog osoblja i studentske populacije koji su sudjelovali u prvom istraživanju 2021. Godine, ali isto tako uključiti i druge koji su bilo dio aktivnosti ovog projekta. Na sastancima je dogovoren vremenski okvir, imena potencijalnih ispitanika/ca te se razgovaralo o distribuciji anektnog upitnika na temelju kojeg će se prikupiti kvantitativni podaci.